Wow where to start, I am still reeling from the 2013 woodstock Luthiers convention!
Was incredible, My first thoughts are how different the show was to me this year then last years show was for me.
Last year I met some amazing people and decided to build a simple Acoustic guitar, which was big for me as I can build simple furniture and have worked in wood metal stone etc, an accomplished Jeweler, photographer, garden designer sculptor, bla bla etc etc (restless soul). That's when this Blog started!!! yes spare with words spare with posts, poorly written and a great source of accomplishment for me whether its read or not..
This year after creating my first acoustic and knowing the basic process of creating a simple guitar luthiers all looked different to me.
I had a stack of respect before and now my respect is 4000 times more and when meeting certain makers I saw them as God and Goddess like!!
Artists craftsmen designers visionaries. I mean John Montellione for example!! His name when mentioned to Luthiers and anyone in this field is legendary!
I am trying to say that these handful and I mean handfull worldwide Luthiers are in a special class of Artists. as there art besides being a beautiful well designed piece of visual art work must also play and sound in a way that master and simple guitar players would love to play and own.
Yes some guitars are for arts sake which is way amazing also, but the bottom line for me is how does it feel, sound and play......
Yes everyone has a certain sound style size etc that works for them what one player loves another might not and the bottom line is thats what makes this craft even more special.
Here are some moments of the show and i must say after the fact I wish i did more portraits and took more photos!! I am really bummed I didn't get more. I want to do more portraits of makers and players sort of re kindle my photo past, fuck i used to love doing portraits more then anything else, oh well that's all a note to self, yes you just heard me talking to myself, I am in a new phase of self discovery and being a part of creation is important to me as is being in a sense of child's awe. I was a child at the show as if everything was the first time for me it was exciting and i am still in love and sadness that it is over.